It’s normal to occasionally experience brief obsessions or minor compulsions, but  OCD-related thoughts and behaviors can be extremely upsetting, time-consuming,  and disruptive to daily life. 

OCD is so severe, it can have a significant negative impact on all or some aspects  of a person’s life, occasionally causing disruption or outright ruin: 

Education\ employment. 

Evolution of a career. 

Relationships with spouses, parents, siblings, and friends. 

Establishing a family. 

Access to one’s children. 

The standard of living (because of social interaction). 

People frequently claim that they have OCD because they are neat and orderly,  however, this is a common misconception regarding the disorder, so we are here to  clear all those misconceptions. 

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health problem where a person  has recurrent unpleasant thoughts (obsessions) and feels compelled to engage in  mental or physical behaviors (compulsions) to temporarily block these thoughts  and control their anxiety. For instance, you might continually wash your hands if 

you worry that everything you touch is contaminated. This will help you feel less  worried. 

Obsessions are similar to other ideas and impulses, these also originate in your  mind, but you struggle to control them. The thoughts typically center on a subject  that is close to your heart, such as morality, religion, sexuality, contamination, or  health. 

Usually, obsession ideas are connected to compulsions. They are an effort on the  part of your brain to reduce or deal with the worry brought on by these obsessions.

O C D causing factors

OCD typically first manifests in early adulthood or throughout adolescence.  Although the main mechanism of  OCD is unknown, there may be an issue with communication between different parts of the brain.

According to experts, people who experience OCD for an extended time may have  an unbalanced serotonin level.

OCD can occasionally be passed down through families and inherited, just like  many mental health issues.

OCD sufferers may be triggered by stressful life events like starting a new job,  having a kid, or losing a loved one. 

Symptoms to watch for by signs

OCD symptoms can appear and disappear. They typically get worse when you’re  under stress and get better when you’re content and pleased. In addition to making  you more prone and less able to manage, fatigue can also cause OCD or worsen it. 

Obsessions and compulsions are the primary signs and symptoms of OCD. These  differ from person to person, however, the following are typical themes: 

Dirt and contamination cause overwashing and the avoidance of potential filth. 

Doubt prompts checking that procedures have been followed correctly, such as  locking doors and turning off burners. 

A feeling that something “isn’t right,” which might lead to actions like lining up  objects, altering their angles, or repeating an action several times until it feels right. 

To allay worries, stay away from lines like cracks in the sidewalk or lines on the  tiles. 

Unusual or revolting sentiments, thoughts, or images may arise in your head and  may be related to sex, violence, religion, or even suicide. They may also give rise  to irrational anxieties about your safety or the safety of your loved ones. 

It’s essential to get help if you’re worried or think you or a loved one may have  OCD. The website provides information about OCD.  (GOODPSYCHE). 

You and the specialist will work together to understand your OCD and create a  counselling plan after the professional has addressed any queries you may have.

Methods for treating O C D

Counseling and medication are used in the counselling of OCD. The best results are  typically obtained by using both. 

The goal of psychological therapy or counseling is to help you understand what is  happening to you, learn coping mechanisms, and pursue a path of recovery and  coping through education and support. During sessions, you can reclaim the self assurance and belief that are essential to healing. 

According to research, cognitive behavioral therapy is the most effective type  (CBT). With the help of a therapist, you will try to alter your thought patterns  regarding your obsessive or compulsive behaviors. CBT was developed to focus on  solving a specific problem over a set length of time. You will be required to  perform several tasks as “homework.” 

Exposure and response prevention is a type of cognitive behavioral counselling used  in counseling (ERP). ERP gradually increases your contact with the worry- or  anxiety-inducing object. With a counselor’s assistance, ERP might eventually  lessen your symptoms. 

Everybody’s experience with antidepressants is different. Finding the medication  and dosage that work best for you will be assisted by your doctor. 

Displaying an OCD Case

Nia was thirteen years old when a severe lightning storm caused her home to catch  on fire. Her mother was stuck in a room on the other side of the house, but a  firefighter was able to assist her in getting out the window. After nearly two years,  Nia is still haunted by nightmare terrors. She awakens in a cold sweat after hearing  her mother’s screams in the middle of the night. She hardly ever gets more than a  few hours of uninterrupted sleep and is constantly walking around the house,  checking windows and doors and making sure the stove is off. She hides in her  room during lightning storms and waits for them to pass. She hurried to the  bathroom in a panic when a storm started to build up one day at school because of  this tendency. Due to her persistent exhaustion, declining grades, and refusal to  socialize, which often results in her sitting in the farthest corner of the classroom 

and avoiding crowds, her father has thought of homeschooling her for her final  year. 

CBT or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing are two potential  therapeutic options for Nia (EMDR). Additionally, to help with symptom relief,  this could be combined with prescription therapy such as anti-depressants or  anxiety medications. Nia will require the services of a trauma therapist with  knowledge of treating teenagers. To guarantee that everyone is learning to deal  with the trauma and work through the terrible event together, family therapy is  another form of counselling that may be beneficial.

Exactly where can I get counselling?

An uncomplicated OCD condition typically requires six to twelve months to  successfully treat. 

Do not delay in seeking counselling for your OCD; gaining your life back and  overcoming the disorder can have a profoundly positive effect on your general  well-being. 

Our online clinical setting, GOODPSYCHE, makes it simple to receive CBT, the  most successful kind of counselling for this illness. Our platform is run by the top  counseling psychologist in Delhi, Sandeep Dhillon, and a group of the best  psychiatrists and psychologists to deliver professional therapy and medication in a  convenient and approachable way, allowing you to enjoy all the benefits of therapy  from the convenience of your home or workplace – without disrupting your  schedule.