Your stomach is twisting, your palms are sweating, and your heart is suddenly  racing. Your senses are sharp, and your muscles are tensed. Your worries and fears  of the worst-case scenario are taking over your thoughts. Anxiety is this, and we  have all experienced it. 

It’s acceptable and beneficial to experience some worry occasionally since it can  encourage us and help us get through difficult circumstances. However, if your  anxiety persists for several weeks or months, turns into a persistent feeling of  dread, or starts to interfere with your daily activities, you may be suffering from an  anxiety disorder. It may affect various aspects of life: 

Depression or other mental health conditions, frequently coexist with anxiety  problems. 

Difficulty sleeping (insomnia) 

Issues with the stomach or bowels. 

Chronic discomfort and headaches. 

Social exclusion 

Functional issues at job or school. 

Poor standard of living

An anxiety disorder is a specific kind of mental illness. If you suffer from an  anxiety disorder, you could experience fear and dread in response to particular  things and circumstances. Additionally, anxiety can cause bodily symptoms like  perspiration and a racing heart and mental symptoms like feeling panic,  Uncontrollable, and obsessive thoughts. 

If you have to solve a problem at work, attend an interview, take an exam, or make  a significant decision, you can experience anxiety or nervousness. and worry 

There is an anxiety condition when: 

Your ability to perform daily tasks is hampered by anxiety. 

When anything sets off your emotions, you frequently overreact. Your reactions to situations are beyond your control.

What creates anxiety conditions

Like other types of mental illness, anxiety disorders are debilitating. They believe  several variables are at play: 

Chemical imbalance: Prolonged or severe stress can alter the chemical equilibrium  that governs your mood. An anxiety disorder might develop if you are under a lot  of stress for an extended length of time. 

Environmental factors: Having a traumatic experience might set off an anxiety  condition, especially in people who were already predisposed to it genetically. 

Anxiety disorders frequently run in families due to heredity like eye color, they  may be inherited from one or both parents. 

They include generalized anxiety disorders, social phobias, specific phobias (for  example, agoraphobia and claustrophobia), and panic disorders. Depression is  often related to anxiety disorders. 

An anxiety disorder is characterized by persistent, severe, and chronic (continuous)  fears or thoughts that interfere with day-to-day functioning. Depression and  anxiety frequently occur simultaneously. A major condition like depression has a  substantial risk of suicide and self-harm.

Recovery is possible with counselling

Recovery from an anxiety disorder is possible with the right counselling and support. Effective counselling for anxiety disorders may include: 

Cognitive behavioral therapy: You must practice the skills learned during and after CBT, which is a brief counselling. You can get assistance from a mental health professional trained in CBT  to address the thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and triggers causing your anxiety  issues. 

Exposure therapy: Your mental health therapist lets you experience anxiety provoking circumstances as part of this therapy plan. 

Anxiety management and relaxation techniques: These include self-care, yoga, and  exercise. 

Medication: To lessen your body’s reaction to anxiety, anti-anxiety drugs can be  taken along with counseling. 

Counseling: A person may be able to express their feelings and get rid of  unfavorable thoughts and urges by talking to a counselor. Realizing and learning to  accept one’s own suppressed emotions is frequently a necessary step in overcoming  anxiety. 

For additional details and help with anxiety disorders, visit the website. 

Putting forth a case

Sheela went to see a doctor and explained that she had been experiencing anxiety  for about a year. She notably described having trouble falling asleep and paying  attention, as well as feeling more irritable and exhausted and even experiencing 

physical symptoms like nausea and diarrhea. She was constantly concerned about  losing track of one of her clients or being given a cancer diagnosis, and in recent  months her worry prompted her to reduce the number of hours she worked. She has  no more notable medical conditions or traumas. 

A CBT and pharmaceutical combination is frequently advised for patients like  Sheela. After two weeks, doses with CBT were raised for six months. After three  months, Sheela’s symptoms disappeared, but she continued to take her medication  for another three months. After a year, she no longer displayed any noticeable  signs of anxiety disorder. 

Where to seek help

A person dealing with a variety of psychological disorders can get assistance from  a general practitioner psychologist. 

The best psychologists are believed to live in Delhi and use therapies to treat  chronic disorders like depression, schizophrenia, and many more making Delhi the  primary location for counselling. 

The diagnosis of these diseases depends on the results of tests like a urine test,  which can detect drug effects in the body, and other tests that check a person’s  psychological history for things like trauma and fear from previous situations that  can later trigger depression or its symptoms. 

Once you begin receiving counselling, it typically takes 2 to 6 weeks before your  anxiety starts to decrease. Visit a community health clinic if you experience any of  the symptoms listed above. A clinical platform called GOODPSYCHE, which  operates in Delhi, aims to offer a holistic and comprehensive basket for mental  health needs to its clients. It has a team of the best psychologists and psychiatrists  who are always available to provide services in the counselling of mental health  disorders like depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder,  anxiety disorders, phobias, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, and dementia, among  others.