Insomnia is defined as having trouble going to sleep, staying asleep, or waking up early. Because of many factors, such as a recent life stressor, it might be classified as acute or chronic. Fatigue, drowsiness, and lack of attention are other daytime effects of insomnia. The risk of psychological and physical issues such as anxiety, depression, poor memory, obesity, high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes is increased by insomnia, according to research.

The first line of counselling that is typically suggested for chronic sleep issues is cognitivebehavioraltherapy for insomnia, also known as CBT-I. A systematic program called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for insomnia aids in the identification and substitution of thoughts and actions that either cause or exacerbate sleep issues with routines that encourage restful sleep.CBT-I aids you in overcoming the root causes of your sleep issues as opposed to sleeping medications.

Following a series of 5 to 8 weekly sessions, many CBT counselling for insomnia report a considerable change in sleep patterns.

In cognitive therapy, you learn to identify and alter harmful beliefs and ideas (cognitions) that are a factor in your sleep issues.

Through behavioral therapy, you can learn to stop engaging in actions that keep you up at night and switch them out for healthier sleeping patterns.

You can visit the Delhi-based GOODPSYCHE platform, run by counseling psychologist Sandeep Dhillon, for CBT counselling for sleeplessness or other mental illnesses. Home-based CBT is available through this platform.


These practices will help for better sleep patterns.

Abdomen breathing

You can unwind by taking slow, full breaths that involve your entire body—including your belly, lower back, and ribcage—instead of just your chest. Put your eyes closed and inhale slowly and deeply, allowing each breath to be deeper than the one before it. Inhale air via your nose, then exhale it through your mouth.

Progressive muscular relaxation

Take a seat comfortably. Tense the muscles as much as possible, beginning with your feet. Hold for ten counts, then release. Work your way up to the top of your head, doing this for each muscle group in your body as you go.

Consciousness training.

Focus on your regular breathing and how your body is currently feeling while you are still and quiet. Without passing judgment, let thoughts and feelings come and go as you continually bring your attention back to your breathing and your body

Improved sleeping conditions.

This provides suggestions for how to make your bedroom a nice place to sleep, such as keeping it cold, quiet, and dark, avoiding having a TV in the room, and concealing the clock.



Specific physiological processes, such as heart rate, respiration, and muscle tension, are measured via sensors used in biofeedback. The anxiety reaction that affects your sleep patterns can be recognized and controlled with the use of biofeedback.

Various other tips one can follow by adopting healthy lifestyle choices that enhance your capacity for sleep may help your therapy as well.

Increase the amount of exercise you do each day

Make time for regular exercise because it helps to reduce stress and anxiety and enhances sleep. On most days, try to get at least 30 minutes—but not too close to bedtime.

Be wise about what you consume and when

Before going to bed, avoid eating anything late. At least eight hours before going to bed, stop drinking anything caffeinated. While alcohol can make you tired, it interferes with the quality of your sleep and can exacerbate the symptoms of sleep disorders. Alcohol, nicotine, and sugary meals are stimulants, just like coffee.

Reduce your level of tension and anxiety

You may seek support with stress management if the strain of a job, family, or education is keeping you up at night. You’ll be able to get a better night’s sleep if you constructively manage stress and keep a calm, optimistic attitude.

To learn more visit the GOODPSYCHE website and book your session for further help.